The E-LASS event in Borås was intersessional, between the traditional annual events, and only included a seminar day. It was organized in collaboration with the EU project RAMSSES. The day started off with a short presentation of RISE by Franz Evegren, who also moderated the morning sessions. Several interesting examples were given of current and future composite maritime applications in waterbuses, pilot boats, offshore supply vessels and more. We also dove down into fire safe material development and the performance of adhesive bonds. The afternoon was moderated by Matthias Krause, who introduced for the first time focused sessions on technology transfer from non-maritime sectors (air, building, rail, car). This was first addressed in a general session, followed by a session focusing on quick assembly.
The presentations during the seminar day followed the previously published agenda, with the exceptions that Fredrik von Elern presented “The heavy importance of light weight construction with electric propulsion” instead of Andreas Bach and a cancellation of Harry Tsahalis presentation on “Online Monitoring Systems”. You can find most of the presentations from the event as PDFs below:
Lightweight Applications
Composite waterbus – Marcel Elenbaas, Damen
Fire retardant composite solution for structural lightweight panels – Jörg Bünker, Saertex
BONDSHIP – refreshing course and brief outlook – Markus Brede, Fraunhofer IFAM
Technology Transfer from non-maritime sectors
The Swedish multi-sectorial lightweight arena: technology transfer and good examples – Cecilia Ramberg, LIGHTer
Hybrid metal-composite solutions for different industrial sectors – Clara Palleiro Palmou, AIMEN
3D-Metal Printing in the Automotive Industry – THE next big thing? (Q&A session) – Aldo Ofenheimer, Virtual Vehicle
Technology Transfer on Quick Assembly
Overview of assembly strategies in aircraft manufacturing (Q&A session) – Christof Borman, ZAL
Quick assembly systems applied in FRP Infrastructural applications (Q&A session) – Laurent Morel, Infracore
Complete Knock Down (CKD) System for Rail Vehicle Construction (Q&A session) – Mark Robinson, NewRail
Thank you all for coming to Borås and don’t forget to save the date for this year’s E-LASS event in Saint-Nazaire!
For more information about RAMSSES, please visit http://www.ramsses-project.eu