Our annual conference is coordinated together with the RAMSSES project and will be held in Pornichet, France. This year’s event will include an industry tour to either IRT Jules Verne or STX Shipyard depending on your personal choice. For E-LASS members the dates to remember are June 26 and 27.

Our upcoming E-LASS Conference will be held in Pornichet, France at Hippodrome Pornichet. In order to participate, please fill in the registration form below and make sure to also press “submit”.
Day 1 (June 26th):
E-LASS Conference followed by dinner, view the agenda
Day 2 (June 27th):
Industry tour (choose between Jules Verne or STX) – buses will be arranged and also financed by STX
What about accomodation and how do I get there? Check out this PDF
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