Dear E-LASS member,
E-LASS will from now on enable all members the possibility to publish international press releases within our network. Instead of just sharing your information with traditional media, share it with E-LASS and increase your potential reach while also keeping our lightweight community informed of your latest developments. As always, the main idea is to share information and not to make advertisement. Therefore, the press releases should contain similar information that would be sent to any other media. An example of this new opportunity can be found on our website, as FiberCore/InfraCore has sent us a very relevant press release, which we believe will only be the first of many press releases to highlight for members of E-LASS. If you have a press release to share, send it to
On another note, our next E-LASS event is scheduled for June 22-23 where we will meet in Vlissingen, Netherlands. Make sure to save the date and we will get back to you with more information in the coming weeks. If you wish to present something at the seminar, please send an e-mail to with a short description of your presentation. As always, the guideline for E-LASS presentations is “not too commercial, not too scientific”.
Best regards,
Alexander & Franz