A EUROMECH symposium on Marine Aging and Mechanical Performance of Polymers will be organised in Brest, France between 28-29 August 2019. The idea is to have four half-day sessions on:

– Polymers

– Foams and Syntactic foams

– Polymer fibres

– Composites

The aim is to have a forum to discuss the changes in behaviour of polymers in different forms, with particular emphasis on coupling effects.

Papers are requested for the four sessions. If you are interested, please send a one-page abstract by email to peter.davies@ifremer.fr before 16th February 2019. Authors will be notified of acceptance early April.

EUROMECH symposia bring together 40 to 60 participants, at least half from outside the host country.

Each half day will start with an invited keynote address, followed by 4 short contributions on the topic. Further details concerning the event can be found on the developing website.


EUROMECH – European Mechanics Society is an international non-governmental non-profit scientific organization.

The objective of the Society is to engage in all activities intended to promote in Europe the development of mechanics as a branch of science and engineering. Mechanics deals with motion, flow and deformation of matter, be it fluid or solid, under the action of applied forces, and with any associated phenomena.

Activities within the field of mechanics range from fundamental research on the behaviour of fluids and solids to applied research in engineering. The approaches used comprise theoretical, analytical, computational and experimental methods.

The society is governed by the Council whose members are being elected according to rules set in Statutes.

The Council has overall responsibility for Euromech Colloquia and Euromech Conferences. The latter presently comprise the European Solid Mechanics Conference (held every three years), the European Fluid Mechanics Conference (held every two years), the European Turbulence Conference (held every two years), the European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference (held every three years) and the European Mechanics of Materials Conference (held every two years).